Why GoPro should be your go-to for content creation.

There is a common misconception that GoPro’s are only used for capturing action packed, adrenaline fuelled video content.

This idea can scare away the average person from giving a GoPro a go, so they stick with their smartphone or lug a full DSLR around as their primary photography source.

However this is simply not the case. GoPro’s can be used for capturing incredible ‘every day’ photos and videos, with many other functions that your regular phone camera doesn’t have.

Billie spoke with GoPro ambassador and content creator, Sophie Piearcey, about how to utilise the tiny content titan to its maximum potential!

Can you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your background as a content creator and your experience with using GoPro cameras?

I am a content creator, blogger, podcaster, and creative agency owner. With a strong passion for travel and documenting what the great outdoors offers, you will find me adventuring outdoors, summiting mountains, or working hard to record my experiences. My 'online' life began way back in early 2018 when I landed in the top three of The Discovery Channel Global Internship competition, securing an interview at Discovery HQ and propelling me into a content and social media career. This gave me a huge boost in creativity and confidence to create and run my own content business, so I swiftly quit the corporate work world and went solo.

My GoPro journey started at the launch of the Hero9 at Tangalooma in Australia. It was here I met fellow family members and had an unforgettable three-day trip that cemented my love for this camera and the family that comes with owning a GoPro and being an ambassador.


What makes GoPro cameras unique for content creation, and why do you prefer using them for your projects?

Durability and versatility are front and centre. These little cameras are powerhouses and built to withstand all environments and conditions. Hiking, biking, swimming, surfing, or simply participating in something one would say was 'normal,' the GoPro is reliable and compact, making it the perfect companion for my adventures and content creation projects.

The features built into the GoPro mean I have something handheld to capture incredibly sharp and high-quality footage every time. The photo quality from a GoPro captures a wide field of view and has built-in features such as different frame rates for video, which mean I can speed up and slow down any special moments I capture. Also, the brand-new 8:7 ratio is perfect for filming and jumping in the Quik app to make an edit and be ready to post reels on Instagram in a moment.

As a seasoned GoPro user, what are some essential tips for beginners who want to get started with capturing high-quality content?

My biggest tip would be don't stop recording when the 'action' has finished. Often the best moments happen after the action. The reactions, the people, the faces, and the celebration are all part of great storytelling.

I use my GoPro for videos and photos. I always chuck my GoPro into 0.5 timelapse to grab group shots, selfies or moments when I will need multiple frames of the action to ensure I don't miss a thing. The QUIK app is also an incredible tool, and I highly recommend downloading it as soon as you purchase your camera to get into editing easily from your phone.


GoPro cameras are known for their versatility. Could you share some creative ways to use a GoPro that may not be obvious to new users?

GoPro's are built to withstand quite a lot, so don't be afraid to push the limits. I mount mine to everything, my head, helmet, side of the van, surfboards, ski's the lot – the mount range is incredible, so grab a few mounts that suit your lifestyle and get creative with angles and shots to build into your videos.

Traditionally GoPro is used outdoors and for action - are there any other great places to use one?

There are SO many reasons why people should consider using a GoPro in their everyday life (from someone who always has their GoPro in their bag, no matter the adventure or mission). All GoPro's are small enough to slide in your pocket or chuck in your backpack. Pair this with key mounting accessories that suit your lifestyle and activities, and you are winning. You can capture everything and anything on a GoPro, and know that you will be taking home high-quality footage and images.


Lighting plays a crucial role in content creation. What are your go-to methods for optimising lighting when shooting with a GoPro, especially in challenging conditions?

Shoot during Golden Hour – my top Tip always. Shortly before sunrise and just before sunset offers soft and warm lighting and can add a magical touch to your footage. If you are shooting in the harsh midday sun, chuck on an ND filter to reduce the glare and help manage the amount of light entering the lens.

What software do you use to edit the footage?

I have Quik loaded on my phone to create edits on the go – perfect for reels and stories. I edit on my laptop using Davinci or Final Cut Pro for more significant video projects. All my images are edited in Adobe Lightroom.

GoPro offers various shooting modes, such as time-lapse, burst mode, and slow motion. Could you explain when and how to use these modes effectively to enhance the storytelling in your content?

GoPro allows me to be in the moment. I can point the camera at the action I am trying to capture and have complete trust that the quality of the footage is going to be tip-top and post-worthy. I try and use a variety features to enhance my videos, keeping them entertaining and showing off how amazing GoPro's are. Time-lapse lets you capture heaps of content in longer moments and condense it down.


Lastly, what are some of your favourite content pieces you've created using a GoPro, and what made them special to you?

I particularly LOVE all the content I captured during the GoPro Creator Summit in Switzerland in 2022. We also had the chance to Heli board in Mount Cook last winter, which was an insane activity and one I will never forget. The content captured I will cherish forever.

GoPro is a tool I take with me always to capture the goods and then get right back into the action. I am forever grateful for the versatility and ease of having high-quality equipment with me.

You can follow Sophie on Instagram.


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