So, what’s the deal with period undies?

In the last few years, periods have been revolutionised.

Women and girls went from having a choice between a pad or a tampon to having a wide range of eco-friendly choices such as period undies.

But what exactly is the deal with period undies and are they just glorified nappies?

AWWA Period Care’s CEO and co-founder, Michele Wilson, gives Billie the low down on what period undies are and why you should give them a go!

Firstly, how do period undies work?

AWWA period-proof underwear look and feel just like your normal underwear, but can hold and absorb up to five regular pads or tampons worth of blood.

AWWA underwear feature:

● innovative super slim fabric - no bulky layers here!

● a super-absorbent layer to hold and absorb your flow

● anti-microbial and moisture wicking technology to keep you dry and feeling fresh

● a soft organic cotton layer closest to your skin, designed to draw moisture away fast

● a leak-resistant barrier to prevent any leakage

● flattering cuts that fit comfortably but firmly to help prevent spills, and feel stylish and sleek


How long can I wear one pair for?

This depends on your flow. If it’s your first time using AWWA period underwear, we always suggest trialing it on a day when you are at home.

This will allow you to easily test the limits of our underwear.

AWWA period underwear comes in three absorbencies - light, moderate and heavy.

  • Light styles you can wear as long as you would 1 regular tampon/pad.

  • Moderate you can wear as long as you would 2 regular tampons/pads.

  • Heavy you can wear as long as you would 5 regular tampons/pads.


Will it start to feel like a full nappy or smell?

Not at all! We have used the latest innovations in fabrics to prevent odour and dampness.

The antimicrobial layer fights bacteria and odour, and the moisture wicking cotton quickly draws moisture away from your skin, keeping you dry.


Who are period undies good for?

If you get a period, then AWWA is for you.

Whether you are starting your period for the first time or you are making the switch from single use products, AWWA is for you. AWWA has an inclusive sizing range from 3XS - 6XL, a variety of styles and colours so there really is something for everyone.


Are they bulky? Will people be able to tell I’m wearing them?

They look and feel just like your normal underwear. We’re not kidding!


What do I do with them after I’ve used them?

If you are out and about just pop any used pairs of AWWA underwear into our waterproof wetbag until you get home to rinse.

We recommend rinsing thoroughly by hand first, then put in a cold wash with your other clothes and line dry.

DO NOT use fabric softener as it can block and prevent moisture wicking and anti-microbial technologies from working.

AWWA is heavily influenced by traditional Māori ikura (period) traditions and one of these traditions is to return ikura blood to the earth. Many AWWA customers rinse their AWWA underwear in a special bowl then tip this water onto their plants.


How many pairs should I have?

If you are new to AWWA, we suggest starting with 5 pairs. This will give you a good indication of how many pairs you will need for your cycle.

Many people like to mix and match the styles they use at different times of their period so our multi-packs or first period kits are a great starting point.


Why should I use period undies instead of pads or tampons?

So many reasons!

● AWWA underwear is much easier for our younger menstruators to use - pads are uncomfortable, bulky and prone to leakage. Inserting tampons and cups can be scary for younger people. But period underwear is easy to use and feels comfortable.

● AWWA underwear is more sustainable and gentle on Papatūānuku, compared to single use products. By 15th June 2022 AWWA has prevented 23 million single-use period products from ending up in landfills and waterways in New Zealand and around the world.

● AWWA has a range of styles and colours so there is something to suit everyone!

● There’s no danger of running out or product shortages as once you have AWWA you can keep reusing them.

● Our AWWA All Days (heavy style) are perfect for overnight as they hold the same as 5 regular tampons - no middle of the night pad changes required or stained sheets in the morning.


What was the inspiration behind starting AWWA?

AWWA was started by Michele Wilson and Kylie Matthews. As mothers to daughters, they wanted to advocate for, break down the barriers, and unpack the stigma around periods that we have all faced.

To create a more empowering, more sustainable, and a more beautiful future.

AWWA is influenced by traditional Māori ikura (period) practices and beliefs and a big part of AWWA’s kaupapa is to inspire all menstruators to reconnect with their cycle and view their ikura as sacred, not whakama (shameful).


Why is AWWA good for teenage girls just starting their periods?

AWWA is the perfect solution for people just starting their periods. Pads are uncomfortable and prone to leaks. Inserting tampons or cups can be scary for young people. Underwear is much easier to use and more comfortable for teens.

Our First Period Kits are the perfect starting point and contain 3 pairs of AWWA underwear, a waterproof wetbag and an education guide.


What sets AWWA apart from other brand’s period pants?

AWWA is so much more than a product. AWWA is a movement to create a period positive future. We are breaking down barriers, unpacking stigmas and empowering menstruators to connect to their cycle.

Some other cool facts about AWWA are:

● We have a strong Māori influence in our brand and are working hard to decolonise attitudes towards our periods. We want future menstruators to feel empowered, right from their first period.

● We have a Designed to Give Programme where we donate 2% of revenue (by way of product donations) to charities and partners in New Zealand who pass on our

underwear to those who need it.

● Sustainability is at the heart of AWWA - we are BCorp certified meaning that AWWA has met the highest standards in social and environmental impact.

● Inclusivity is super important to us - we embrace people of all shapes, sizes, races and genders. We refrain from using gendered language and we ensure we use a diverse range of models to showcase our products.


Why should Kiwi girls support AWWA instead of other big international brands?

Simple - we are an indigenous New Zealand business. We support other New Zealand wāhine in business and we encourage our communities to do the same.



A few words from an Afterpay Spokesperson on why they support small businesses like AWWA…

For Afterpay, why is it important to support small businesses? Specifically in a post pandemic world?

Running a business is no easy task, especially between shopping restrictions and shipping delays, border closures and stock shortages. Few things have come easily for Kiwi retailers over the past few years, which is why now more than ever, it’s important for Afterpay to support and help local, small businesses flourish.

Small businesses are the home of entrepreneurship, a haven of impeccable craft, service with a smile and finds you can’t get anywhere else. When you support small, you help communities and passion thrive.

How does Afterpay support small businesses?

Afterpay helps to spread awareness of some of our smaller, locally owned businesses and highlight their unique identity, craftsmanship and purpose.

For some merchants, Afterpay is a new revenue stream, delivering higher average order values and increased sales; for others it’s a much-needed marketing channel, connecting them to new audiences through the Shop Directory and events such as Afterpay Day and Support Small, at a time when social media is becoming increasingly competitive.

For all merchants, Afterpay offers reduced fraud risk, lower return rates and a customer-first payments solution, where merchants do not incur costs until they begin releasing sales.

Over the past couple of years, Afterpay is also a revenue driver for businesses, helping many navigate a turbulent and unpredictable time.


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